by blaine | Jan 20, 2022 | Blog
Eat That Frog! The top reason business owners fail and underachieve in life and business is… procrastination. It’s Not That We Don’t Know What To Do… It’s not that we don’t know what to do, but rather that we don’t do it. Today you will discover a method you can use...
by blaine | Jun 14, 2021 | Blog
Think about that. If today was your last day, what would you do first? I know that can be a little bit of a shock to think about your life ending today. We all have this day coming at some time. We rarely, if ever, think about the fact that we will be leaving this...
by blaine | Jun 9, 2021 | Blog
Find the 1% that Produces 51.2% of Your RESULTS! There’s a magical 1% of what you do every day that produces 51.2% of your results on average. Would it be of benefit to you to understand how that’s possible AND how to determine what that 1% is? If so, then you are...
by blaine | Jun 7, 2021 | Blog
Have You Lost Faith in Yourself? (How to strengthen your resolve and take back the day!) I’ve got to create some new marketing to build my audience. I know its high-value work that needs to be done by me. It’s critical to my business and my goals. So I sent up an...
by blaine | Jun 4, 2021 | Blog
What would you do with that extra hour? If tomorrow had 25 hours instead of the normal 24 hours – what would you do? Think about that for a moment. Would you get more things done from your To-Do list? Would have lunch with a friend? Read a book, take a break? Would...
by blaine | Jun 2, 2021 | Blog
Picture a patch of rich brown earthy soil. The soil is moist and full of rich nutrients. It gets its daily dose of warm sunshine. It has everything it needs to become a beautiful garden and grow abundantly. The soil is magical in the way it can take a seed and, with...