The MOST Productive Day of Your LIFE!
Thursday, January 26th, 2022! 
This Thursday, January 26th we have a Super Results Vital Focus Day. Join Blaine all day long as we teach you how to Vital Focus. To focus on the vital things – doing what matters most – everyday! To focus on just those Vital Victories that once achieved move the needle the most in your business and in life.
(all VIRTUAL – do it from anywhere – join in when it works for your schedule)
A Super Results Day is where you get something DONE by doing it – all in one day. It’s part Training, part Experience (you do it with other people), part Workshop and a whole lot of IMPLEMENTATION. In a few short Zoom Meetings you will become the Master.
We really need less information and more implementation! This is a high-level experience that we have with our top Mastermind Groups.
You Will Have the MOST Productive Day of Your Life…
This will also be a GSD Day. GSD stands for Get Stuff Done. (Some people use a different “S” word for “Stuff” but I will keep this G rated.) It could also be called Accountability Day or even Time Block Day. I’ve done 100s GSD Days and my record is 163 items done in just one day. We have a special method to help your have the most productive day of your life!
CLICK HERE to Join Us!
A Vital Focus Day is Unique – Gain Clarity
& TAKE Action All Day Long with Blaine over Zoom!
A Vital Focus Day is a unique experience. It will be a day you will remember for a long time. It’s a day that will change your life and business immediately. You will gain a sense of control over your life and business that you’ve never had before. You will become more proactive and less reactive. You will determine those very few things that are vital. Your life will be simplified as you identify those vital things in your business and in your personal life. You can say goodbye to overwhelm forever. Feelings of control and self-confidence will take over for you. You will be saying and feeling: “I’ve got this!” and “This is fun & I’m moving the needle every day!
“Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.” Goethe
(All virtual – do it from anywhere!)
In Just a Few Short Zoom Trainings You Will…
Learn How to Get the Vital Done – every day!
Learn What Has To Be in Place in Order to Concentrate on the Vital
Gain Clarity on What IS Vital in Your Business and Life
How to Use Value-Based Thinking – Then It’s Simple to Decide!
Learn What to Focus on First
The Magic of the Mind Dump
“I have too much on my plate.” That’s a Lie – Learn Why.
Learn About Detaching Competing Priorities & Aligning Values
How to Take Control of Your Daily Decisions
Stopping Pre-Defeated Mind Forever
The ONE Clarifying Question to ask Yourself Every Day!
How to use DDI to become the Author of Your Life – literally write your future into existence!
How to use the PITT Method™ to Make Room In Your Schedule for the VITAL!
How the “Do It Now” Philosophy can KILL Your Vital Results
How to Turbo Charge Your Life with Procrastination!
Why More Information, More Tools, More Advice, More Options and More is NOT the Answer
Why Enjoying the Process, and Not Just the Outcome, Matters
How Progress Fuels the Fire of Achievement – How to Fuel the Vital!
The Later List – One of the Greatest Productivity Tools Ever!
The KEY Decisions Your Need to Make Right Now to Win the Vital Victory
How You Spend Your Greatest Currency (Time) Says A Lot About YOU!
Creating Your Most Important WHO List – and the Single Most Important Person on Your WHO List!
How to Eat Live Frogs (I’ll Explain that During the Training ;-))
How Vital Focus Brings Vitality to Your Life!
How to “Vital”-ize Your Smartphone – Getting It Working For You Instead of Distracting You!
It’s a powerful day and one that will serve you for a lifetime. And you will spend the day getting stuff done!
Living Your Day in 3 Hour Blocks
What you do is live your day in 3-hour time blocks. You plan out what you are going to do for the next three hours. We jump on a conference call every three hours and share very quickly (just 2 to 4 minutes total time) what we accomplished and what we have planned. We follow that with a short 10-15 minute training.
It’s Fun and You Get It Done
You get very focused kind of like the day before vacation. You have less downtime, fewer distractions, and are better organized. You learn about yourself. How much can you actually get done in just 3 hours? I’m always thinking I can get more done but the reality of time sets in.
You Improve Immediately
When I realize how limited time is, I tend to make better decisions and choose the higher-value tasks to complete. I start to do some things together – what I call synergy. For example, while driving I make a few business calls. I start to delegate more. I bundle and batch things together to get more done. Do all my errands together, do all my phone calls all at the same time one after the other. The little time savings start to add up to a whole lot more done!
One of the biggest things I like about Super Results Day is that I lived my day. The day I planned, the list I had, and the things important to me.
How about you? Are you ready?
It starts with you making a list of all the things you want to work on for the day. I like to start with a bunch of small doable tasks to gain some accomplishment momentum. Then I break up larger tasks into smaller parts so I can celebrate getting each section done.
Give It a Try – Guaranteed to Energize
You can join me for Super Results Day – I guarantee it will be the most productive day you’ve ever had! CLICK HERE to join us!
Small Group Virtual Meeting: Train, Workshop, Brainstorm
We do this in a small group together using a video conferencing platform so you can attend from any place in the world. It also allows you to get other things done during the day. We provide printed resources so you learn and do it then you can do it over and over and over. You develop the skill through application. The value goes beyond the one day – you pick up a new skill. You could even share or teach it to others after you experience it.
How Does It Work?
(All Virtual – Do It from Anywhere!)
We get together via video conference (you can call in from any smartphone or computer from any place in the world). We kick it off with some training and workshopping for about 30 minutes. Then we get to implementing it, to doing it. We connect again in three hours to check in and do a fast 10-15 minute training. At the end of the day, we share our results and reflections from the day. By sharing our results you keep learning from what actually worked for yourself and others. It’s fun and we get it done. This is about implementing and finishing it all in one day.
Not another thing to learn, not another thing to add to your to-do list. This is about doing and done. We ensure success with our “Lasting Results” Implementation Plan which we provide at the end.
What’s included:
(Training sessions recorded in case you miss any of it!)
Pre-day Prep Materials & Checklists
8amMT – Training/Brainstorming/Workshop – 30 Minutes
- Introduction to Vital Focus
- Getting the Most Done in Just 1 Day
- Developing the Skill of “Doneness“
- Vital Focus Basics
11amMT, 2pmMT – Check-in/Rapid Training Calls – 10-15 Minutes
- How to Get the Vital Done – every day!
- Learn What Has To Be in Place in Order to Concentrate on the Vital
- Gain Clarity on What IS Vital in Your Business and Life
- How to Use Value-Based Thinking – Then It’s Simple to Decide!
- Learn What to Focus on First
- The Magic of the Mind Dump
- “I have too much on my plate.” That’s a Lie – Learn Why.
- Learn About Detaching Competing Priorities & Aligning Values
- How to Take Control of Your Daily Decisions
- Stopping Pre-Defeated Mind Forever
- The ONE Clarifying Question to ask Yourself Every Day!
- How to use DDI to become the Author of Your Life – literally write your future into existence!
- How to use the PITT Method™ to Make Room In Your Schedule for the VITAL!
- How the “Do It Now” Philosophy can KILL Your Vital Results
- How to Turbo Charge Your Life with Procrastination!
- Why More Information, More Tools, More Advice, More Options and More is NOT the Answer
- Why Enjoying the Process, and Not Just the Outcome, Matters
- How Progress Fuels the Fire of Achievement – How to Fuel the Vital!
- The Later List – One of the Greatest Productivity Tools Ever!
- The KEY Decisions Your Need to Make Right Now to Win the Vital Victory
- How You Spend Your Greatest Currency (Time) Says A Lot About YOU!
- Creating Your Most Important WHO List – and the Single Most Important Person on Your WHO List!
- How to Eat Live Frogs (I’ll Explain that During the Training ;-))
- How Vital Focus Brings Vitality to Your Life!
- How to “Vital”-ize Your Smartphone – Getting It Working For You Instead of Distracting You!
5pmMT – Results & Reflections – 30 Minutes
- Progress Update & Pitfall Overcoming
- What we learned today about time & ourselves
- What to do with the leftover items
- Results and Reflections
- Lasting Results Implementation Plan
PRICE for RESULTS is only $149.
That includes all the materials, all our time together and the 30 Day “Lasting Results” Implementation Plan. It’s a great value in what you will get done that day and with the skills you will have moving forward. We limit the number of people in the Experience to ensure personalized attention and the ability to interact and brainstorm together. You will pay for this in the value of the checklists and prep materials alone!
CLICK HERE to Join Us!
Don’t Worry it’s All Recorded
Don’t worry if you will miss any of the Virtual Training Meetings as we record them and provide the recording to you at no additional charge.
See you (virtually) soon!
All the best – stay results-focused,
Blaine Oelkers, Chief Results Officer
P.S. CLICK HERE to join us. Let’s build a skill that will serve you for the rest of your life. See you on the 24th!